California’s Governor wants Facebook pay its users for their data. Finally, people in Alaska benefited from the Oil production. But the comparison is not skin.

Michael Moorstedt

There is one thing that has fallen into the succession of scandals and Aufregern relating to Facebook, in the meantime, a bit of under the table: For a while, the group paid namely to mainly young users, they installed an App on your smartphone, analysed and then their behaviour. For the insight into the digital Self-the network granted to the participants, after all, a salary of up to US $ 20 month.

For the amount allowed to be Facebook, however, also a profound insight. The program was able to access conversations in the chat services, sent photos and Videos, addresses of visited sites and data from location-aware applications. Because you failed to mention this but, have removed the provider of the major App Stores for violations of the rules of use of the Software in the meantime. Nevertheless, the question remains, how much information about the usage behavior of the people are actually value. A lot of says, for example, Gavin Newsom. The recently elected Governor of California thought it would only be fair if the people would receive a “data dividend”, and, thus, is to examine whether the companies make with user data, your money might not be a corresponding tax is imposed.

it was only fair, Newsom, because – warning, General, space – data Yes “the Oil of the 21st century. Century”. And that is why every person that contributes with his photos, and his sensibilities, which he distributed on the Internet and in turn serve as a Basis for advertising revenue, to the richness of the large network companies. He compares the a for years, the current compensation received by the citizens of the state of Alaska, Oil companies are not allowed to exploit the local resources.

Digital information are not a physical Good like a Tanker of crude oil

The comparison with the Oil, will, in the meantime, in virtually every article on the Economics of the present, does not fit, however. For one, digital information is not a physical Good. You would get a fully loaded oil Tanker, you could sell the black Gold under more or less great circumstances on the commodity exchanges in the world. You would have sovereignty over a Facebook data centre, it needed only its analysis Software, the contacts to a myriad of advertisers and agencies in order to capitalise from the data of its users for a Profit.

in addition, the value of the data grows exponentially. This means that they are more valuable, the more indexing you can refer to. If a billion people have a preference for a certain product, it is a very much more useful Information than if it’s just a single. Globally, Facebook earns revenue from a single user about $ 25 a year. People in wealthy countries generate about five times. It would be so worth it? The residents of Alaska get nearly $ 1500 a year for the conversion of your environment.

in Addition, do not be robbed of the data and the users irrevocably – he will not miss you. The evaluation of Tracking Apps or messaging services, are instead the subject of a barter transaction, you can as a sales describe. Traded information against the service or payment. The question that each user is, rather, how much you budgeted for the own biography and characteristics.

Therefore, in addition to the bill in California, and numerous other efforts to compensate the users for the exploitation of their data. For example, providers who promise to act on the Deal data and against money as a middle man. Companies such as Ocean Protocol,, or date want to organize the exchange of crypto-currencies. Similar to the Bitcoin Protocol, one gets for any Information for a share of a electrical currency: A Jogging track, a photographed lunch, a message to the Oma each Signal has its price.