What to do if one of these “congratulations, you have been chosen”emails has found its way into the Inbox? Most people press with a shrug, the delete button and consider it done. But not all of them. The magazine Heise.de has published a report this week in which an experienced Hacker describes anonymous in his counter, after he had been informed in a mail message that he had inherited 10 million dollars.

First of all, the Hacker visits the site that it the scammers to entice you. He is there to make a payment of 2500 dollars, to the payment of the million can amount to be taken: typically for advance fraud. Since this site is poorly protected, can penetrate the hack in the database on the dispatch of the Spam messages will be handled. In the administration area, he deposited a Script, and attracts the scammers under a pretext. When you Login, the Script registers the IP address of the fraudster operates. This IP address leads the hackers to the Internet connection and the Router of the swindler.

The default password

Because the Router the default password was never changed, changed, the Hacker can log in and make adjustments. In this way, he monitored the activities of the swindler. This is more the employment of the dispatch of spam mails. The Hacker now has the login details for the ADSL access. Since the IP address of the Internet provider, tried the hack, whether the access data work in the customer portal of the Provider. And, in fact: With these data, he logs on and gets to the name of the swindler. Finally, he determined its location.

of Course – the fine Art it is not: a vigilante is also in the digital space is not a trivial offence. Who breaks into other Computer, commits an offence, whether he is now chasing criminals or not.

But you don’t need to be for the hackers to retaliate. An opportunity for a legal return carriages, with fake support calls. In this Scam, which is practiced since soon ten years, reports by telephone to a Person claiming to be a Supporter of a big Tech company like Microsoft, and claims that it is a computer problem, for example, a virus infection or a “constipation” with temporary files. The actual intention is to steal personal data or to sell expensive, useless security programs.

User strike back

Now some people make the Fun to make fun of the callers themselves: you wonder term, repeat every word of the caller, or to catch, to hold long monologues about God. There are also people, the “Moment” to say and the listener, aside and have the caller wait until he hangs up. Some place it is also important to take the scammers for their part in the defect, and to elicit from them information – or even the confession that everything is just misleading.

But there are also cautionary voices: to fall The fraudsters on the nerves, is not illegal. However, there may be cases where this responded dramatically, with insults, with further phone calls and even death threats. The likelihood that the serious, is low. But they seem, nevertheless, authentic and highly unsettling. To bear in mind is that many scammers customers” are now “accustomed to, familiar with the mesh and defence, according to make a joke be parried matter-of-factly. And even the Stall you can save, experts say. Since the work of the men behind this Scam mesh with call centers in low-wage countries, is detrimental to this Trick, the profit margin.

The scammer baits

Nevertheless, the Scambaiting – the bait of cyber crooks become for some a kind of Hobby. It has the purpose to bring the scammers to waste time and energy on hopeless fraud, contact catch to be closed: be it procure to the satisfaction or information to law enforcement is helpful.

many cases of Scambaiting are documented for the Nigeria Connection. Operates since twenty years in advance cases of fraud with allegedly rich Prince or a lottery win. Under the pretext of the authenticity of the other check were the self-appointed fighter against the Scam, the scammers do certain things, and the photographically capture. In addition to a harmless Joke, there were also cases of humiliating sitting poses, for example, Nude on the toilet, or panels with phrases in foreign languages (“I’m an asshole”) highly entertaining. Of course, these photos end up immediately in the network. This denunciation, however, except Eight, so just asked are often just the sidekick, the acting out of economic Hardship. And, of course, anyone with such pictures really helped.

security companies keep a low profile

security companies give questions about the topic covered. Symantec indicates that the request only on a blog post on the many years of cooperation with law enforcement agencies such as the FBI or the European Cyber Crime Center of Europol. Because it’s not about individual scammers, but against a global fraud rings and botnets.

Private investigation actions are futile: for this reason alone, because the scammers usually sit in distant countries and concrete results of the investigations can hardly exploit. It remains the case that to delete the email, or dubious Call, simply hang up, the only sensible reaction.

exceptions confirm the rule: The Youtuber Kitboga deserves, in the meantime, his living with video, in which he slips into the role of grandmother Edna or hip valley girls Nevaeh, to make the scammer look stupid. He is not focused on Aggression, but peaceful tactics such as Comedy. Nevertheless, In a portrait with the magazine “Newsweek” he reveals how much he invested in his safety and the ease with which he prepared the Computer, work for the scammers are real, but of course, no personal data included. (Tages-Anzeiger.ch/Newsnet)

Created: 14.05.2019, 19:07 PM