Tuula Laukkanen is working on flavors for over 30 years. Taste test an expert follow the Finnish food preferences in the front row.

a taste of the work, said Tuula Laukkanen . Emerging food taste testing is incredibly accurate.

tasting times will become so many that all the food can not be swallowed.

you Have to learn to take a taste in the mouth, Laukkanen said.

Laukkanen gets the job to taste and smell the food, but mainly Saarioinen taste test the expert’s job is to assemble a suitable group of people to test the emerging food.

taste test after Laukkanen analyze the results, so that food can be develop in the right direction.

– it Is really important to get consumers ‘ views, before the product is on shop shelves. The product must be really good, so that it will be launched, Laukkanen said.

Suvi iivari new development takes time

New food development is half a year or a year-long process. Product think about the target group already before the food is placed to develop.

– Before you do all all. Now let’s think about the beginning, to whom this food is suitable and in what situation, Laukkanen says.

When the product developers have reached a consensus on the food of the main features of makuineen and composition and let the food taste testers examined.

Laukkanen talks about food sensory evaluation. It means taste, aroma, appearance and mouthfeel of the assessment. It is important, what kind of feeling the food comes. Food eating is an experience.

the Taste is so Saarioinen factory than outside the house. External testers are ordinary consumers, who belong to the target group. Sometimes a taste is exported, for example, the plant’s own staff to the restaurant or the house outside events.

we Tested more products in the firemen’s happening in Lempäälä and women’s sports events in the fabric below, Laukkanen says.

Women and men different taste

a taste test of the results of the analysis Laukkanen get a good idea of what the finns probably buying stuff packed full appreciate. Different ages testers pay attention to different things.

– the Older ones have emphasized food familiarity and cozy. The younger’s taste in addition, also important, for example, the appearance of the packaging.

Sports or a lot of moving, in turn, pay attention to energy and protein content. The tests tell you also that men and women prefer different products.

Women are men more interested in, for example, healthy and trendy fresh porridge, so in the cold enjoyable porridge, which is, for example, fruit or berries.

Men of taste buds, in turn, pleasing to the familiar box of food and pots products, such as pig pots.

Suvi iivari healthy interest

Laukkanen follow the work of food trends firsthand. Foods planning to proceed, such as the fashion business: now developing next fall’s products, and the beginning of the year to start planning year 2020 the food.

Saarioinen track consumer behavior in their own studies. The restaurant world and food fairs will be closely monitored.

in Recent years the trends have been, inter alia, vegetable ruokabuumi and healthy emphasis. Both are visible also prepared the food.

Now complete the food preference for a lot of snacks and immediately edible products, which are easy to get the rush of everyday life. When this is further combined with health and well – being-enthusiasm, will be one of this days trend of product: fresh porridge.

the Busy everyday life to pull the food in a couple of

food trends include the self-made home food to the name I swear. Prepared foods instead of the often much maligned. Saarioinen commissioned by the research, however, tells that the Finnish attitude ready to food has changed tolerance.

Although people want to make their own meals, also food use is growing, Laukkanen said.

the Approval also tells you that the shelves is even more extensive selection of prepared foods. The demand is there. When everyday life is hectic, people need easy and fast.

– in the Evening there are not many hours of free time, and family members often move at their own pace hobbies. Prepared food brings relief from various everyday situations.

Suvi Iivari

Although the work revolves around food, Laukkanen can at home test with new foods and recipes. Weekends is the time to go into cooking.

– the social circle is hunters, so hunting for food are one of the favorite. With them is a challenge, when trying to come up with something new, Laukkanen says.

the New inspiration and friends and family prepared meals are one of life’s pleasures. Almost 30 years the product developer has left its mark also in the home with the cook.

– a Daughter often asks, do I always apply the recipes, Laukkanen laugh.

Tuula Laukkanen is sampled and smelled the numerous novelty food Valkeakoski factory in the kitchen, when the products have been developed. The enthusiasm of the food woke up already as a child, when Laukkanen was followed in Karelia-born mother cooking and baking. Mind have been left by my mother in the karelian pie.

the Case is initially published in Valkeakoski Said.