Ueli Maurer holds a Smartphone in the camera. “A Symbol of progress,” he says. “But there is also a risk.” The Federal President admonished in his address to the new year, to reflect on traditional Swiss values. Among other things, to “a certain respect”.

This 2018 short, much more dominated by hatred, came the headlines. The Berner Young-SVP rushed with a Comic for Travellers, sportsmen, Pascal Mancini made with a monkey video sentiment against dark-Skinned. And the Thurgauer BDP-politician Thomas Keller defended Adolf Hitler on Twitter : “So infinitely bad that man can’t be.” In addition, there were sexist attacks, for example Juso-Chief Tamara Funiciello, or SP Federal councillor Simonetta Sommaruga.

Every few weeks a new case will reach the Public. But what is still not a reflection of reality. As far as hate messages disseminated are actually, shows the national crime statistics. Every day, the police registered more than 25 criminal offences due to abuse. 9555 Display were carried out in 2017, as many as never before. In Switzerland, the number of offences has decreased since the beginning of 2009. The insults have doubled in this time, but almost. It is exactly the same for comparable offences. 1186 slander, there was according to the police, last, moreover, 1666 cases of libel.

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“The negative sentiment against minorities is growing,” says Roman Heggli, head of the gay organization, Pink Cross, to the increase. Publicly distribute, become more socially acceptable. “When you see how disrespectfully, for example, Donald Trump commented on Twitter, then it is not surprising that in the population the threshold is reduced.” The crime statistics do not show how many insults were made online, and how many in real life. For experts, the Internet but just for the high Numbers responsible. “It has brought new ways to spread hatred,” says Dominic Pugach, Director of the Foundation against racism and anti-Semitism. “With a insult on the street, you will reach some people. On social media, however, the impact is much greater.”

the anonymity of the network, which protects the perpetrators. “Although we notice lately that the reluctance decreases,” says Pugach. “More and more people share with real name and photo obviously criminal content. Just because you have no fear of consequences.”

companies like Facebook or Youtube , according to Pugach, and administrators of the bind of evil posts. “Often, we report the comments, and then nothing happens for weeks, they remain for all to see.” The platforms would have no interest to intervene. “It’s about as many clicks as possible. This can be obtained especially in the case of hateful discussions and objectionable content.”

more Than 200 children under 15 years of age displayed

The transparency report from Facebook shows how hatred are widespread talk in the social media. In the first nine months of 2018, the company will handle worldwide with more than 8 million comments, Posts and photos – be it with the deletion of a post or blocking a User. How often does a total hate-Posts, but can’t even tell you the company itself. The analysis parameters would be developed, it means. Similarly, the company has detailed Figures on Switzerland.

Instead, the national crime statistics shows that Some of the perpetrators are still extremely young. In 2017 have been displayed in Switzerland, 239 children because of abuse, who were 14 years or younger. Almost as many of the Ads were targeted, but also against seniors over 70. Significant differences in the sex: Three out of four Branched according to statistics, male.

“In the traditional media, women are less say than men,” says Sophie Achermann of Alliance F, the Confederation of Swiss women’s organisations. Social Media enhanced this imbalance. “We are but little accustomed to that women’s voice be heard. This seems to unsettle, especially men, they feel provoked and respond with insults and threats.”

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Various groups fight back. So-called Online Warriors of the club’s courage to report jointly reprehensible posts in Facebook. With as many members as possible, so as to increase the pressure on the platform. The Association also provides direct support for those Affected. “We have several requests per day for help immediately, in the year 2018, there were a total of over 1000,” says founder Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin. The former Zuger certain day, to become known as a victim of an alleged sexual Assault, is today the target of massive hate. “Since our Association, we have submitted 180 View – the half of the cases, concerns myself.”

the perpetrators can be prosecuted with a fine of up to 90 days. The district court Kriens LU language 150 Swiss francs for the following Facebook Post: “The administratively belongs locked up in a hospital and not let out.” A fine of 900 Swiss francs, the Zurich public Prosecutor’s office lake/Oberland imposed for the words “liar”, “Criminal” or “stupid head”. In Winterthur, again, the criminal justice authorities shall set up a procedure because of abuse, because the provoked compared To this. Basically, the chances of a guilty verdict today, but it’s good. Unlike on the road vaccinations on the Internet, you can dam better evidence. 2017 were issued 3512 judgments. This is also a clear record.

(Sunday newspaper)

Created: 06.01.2019, 08:20 PM