And again it happened: once Again, a large number of user names and passwords showed up in the network. The collection of stolen Login data 773 million E-Mails, 21 million unencrypted passwords and is called “Collection #1”: A collection composed of hundreds of data thief, the last few years, that stand in the Darkweb for sale and temporarily-free downloadable was steels.

The security researcher Troy Hunt has browsed the Collection. He suspects that these data are used to stealing for other web services personal information. This works because many users use the same combination of email address and password for multiple services. Digital data are easy prey: In the last years, hundreds of cases were known, with some striking numbers of victims. The largest case relates to the Internet giant Yahoo, in the 2013 three billions of users accounts were affected, which Dimension had the attack of a hacker, however, has only begun to 2017 is known.

A data Theft is often harmless: If you, as a user, well, the damage is manageable. But if one concedes, for example, the (frequent) error, the same Login data several times, then the consequences may be far-reaching: The Criminal could manage to steal Bank data and other sensitive data for possible misuse. You might also try yourself as the victim and Known to money. And to see how the beginning of the year was good for stolen documents to blackmail people or in public just to clarify: this “Doxing”-the case in Germany, a youthful offender has collected personal data of almost 1000 German politicians and Celebrities and also on Twitter. Self-protection is so necessary and important than ever.

1. It’s not all in the Cloud

The big, popular cloud services are also the preferred targets of hackers and cybercriminals needs to – simply because there’s a lot there. If you have not deposited its data there, you can not be stolen. This is obvious, and there are long ways to take the data in Hand. a free, a free Software that stores documents, photos, Videos, calendar and address book on a own Computer or a rented Server and all PC’s, Laptops, Smartphones and Tablets will have access to: the convenience of the Cloud, but without the dependency. Of course, it has a price: The Installation is time-consuming and requires a bit of know-how. And above all: You yourself are responsible for safety. If one neglects, for example, the Updates, the data is more vulnerable than in one of the large providers in the network. An easy-care solution Resilio Sync ( This program (picture above) synchronize documents between all of your devices – via the Internet, but without the Cloud.

2. Check whether or not you have been hacked

for Several services to be betrayed to enter an E-Mail address, if this address is a data leak to the Public. In the case of a positive result, it depends on the circumstances, whether action is required: If you have not changed your password longer, and the affected web services are not immediately prompted to do so, you should have the of. If you are logged in to the affected Website with a password that also came from elsewhere, then you have no other choice than to change this password everywhere, and as quickly as possible, as annoying as that may be. Also check whether the affected mail address to securely, i.e., is protected by a strong password so that it can not be abused. A Check you can perform at or in the case of . You also have the possibility of your e-mail address, so that you are alerted in case of a future incident, as soon as it is detected.

3. Two-factor authentication

Many Websites, including Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, or Adobe, are now on the Two-factor authentication (also two-step Verification or two-step verification) protected. In a certain regularity of access via a SMS message must be confirmed Code or an authentication App. Because of this second factor is only valid for one, it cannot be stolen. In this way, safety can be greatly increase, but the price of a somewhat cumbersome sign-in.

4. Reduce espionage options in the Browser

Also in the Browser, the personal data are at risk under certain circumstances. Firefox increases data security while Surfing on two extensions. The first Facebook Container is no longer isolated in the social network of the other Web activities, so Facebook has the opportunity, via the ubiquitous “Like” buttons and Facebook login options to keep track of. The help the social network to track users outside of its own platform.

The second Add-on Multi-Account container means. It provides isolated environments that you can assemble according to your own Wishes: As Banking, Shopping or activities in separate environments to handle. This reduces the risk that these activities of data collectors or data thieves logged. By the way, it is possible that the same service with different Log-ins to register, in order to separate for example private and professional activities. Finally, certain environments can also hide. This is solid data protection in the office, because the colleague of a curious view on the screen remains denied.

5. Mobile devices secure

Also on the devices data need to be secure: Protect Smartphone and Tablet devices-PIN or Passphrase, and, if necessary, also with a fingerprint sensor, or face recognition.

when the PC and the laptop, make sure that the Firewall is on, and you use Windows, the built in virus scanner. Follow the Updates of the operating system, applications, and Apps as soon as possible. And in the case of Windows and Mac encryption brings more security. You can find more information in the article “How to protect yourself from hackers” on the Website of this newspaper.

6. A program for secure passwords

Who will protect his Online identity and personal data want can use access data in any case: It takes for each Log in a separate password, and this should be as long as possible and not to guess automatically.

A password Manager makes it easier to handle the Log-in data: The program generates secure passwords randomly, you don’t need to remember: The passwords are stored encrypted in a database, which is in turn protected by the master password. Remember you need only that single password, with which the database is unlocked. Well-known password managers are Keepass (, free), LastPass ( from US $ 2 per month for Premium) and 1Password ( from 3 US dollars per month). There are also Apps for Smartphones and Tablets.

There are programs for Teams with which to remember passwords for work groups to define and, if necessary, to quickly change, such as Dashlane (, free, Premium from 3.33 US dollars per month). On a Mac, Safari, and the keychain manage program passwords.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 29.01.2019, 20:56 PM