former US Vice-President Joe Biden has taken on in the field of presidential candidates in the US-Democrats, with 39 percent of the leadership. The on Tuesday published survey of the channel to CNN, among democratic voters. Senator Bernie Sanders comes with a 15-percent to rank two. Senator Elizabeth Warren and mayor Pete Buttigieg occupy the next places.

Biden, the Deputy of the then US President, Barack Obama, had announced last week his long-expected candidacy known. This had triggered immediate reactions from the President Donald Trump , looking at the 76-Year-old, apparently as a probable adversary in the presidential campaign. US pollsters currently see Biden in the comparison with Trump in the front.

The predictive value of opinion polls, clearly ahead of the start of the primaries at the beginning of February 2020, however, is very limited. So Jeb Bush was about four years ago, at the same time, with the Republicans ahead of Marco Rubio. The subsequent election winner Donald Trump was first surfaced in July at all in the polls significantly, and at the end of July 2015 in the lead. (red/sda)

Created: 01.05.2019, 09:22 PM