in January 2017, US President Donald Trump to the relevant trademark and patent office to Keep the rights to the Slogan “Keep America great” (approximately: “(t) applied for shortly after he took office, America’s great”) – apparently, in the firm Conviction of a second term.

The request was at the time of the New York-based company, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. provided, which also manages the rights to “Make America great again”. What is the Trump campaign, not paid attention apparently: to reserve the corresponding Domain, respectively, to buy.

reports of How the American media today, Monday, the accomplished of the democratic billionaire Tom Steyer – in the Form of a special Cyber-Monday Deals, as it is called on. Steyer is a long-time supporter of the Democrats, and in this pre-election himself for the party. Over 23 million dollars he has spent for 59’000 of the Spots and 78 percent of all TV advertising is responsible (we reported).

In a press release from the Steyers of the election campaign team it says: “trump’s campaign is proud to hamsters Websites of political opponents, but you forgot to save the URL for your re-election slogan, “Keep America Great”.”

A visit to the Website with the Trump Slogan now displays the Headline: “Trump is a fraud and a failure” (analogy: “Trump is a fraud and a loser.” But that’s not enough: For a Dollar you can buy on the side of a car sticker with this Heading; of the proceeds go to the Steyer campaign.

had to pay how Much Steyer for the domain name, is not known. According to records was already on the 25. June 2015 – nine days after Trump had started his presidential campaign in 2016 with the Slogan “Make America Great Again” officially. On Sunday, the Domain has been updated-registration last.

Whether the Trump campaign has forgotten the purchase of the Domain only, or was not ready to pay the asking price, is unclear. It would also be conceivable that the domain dealer did not want to sell to Trump. (nag)

Created: 02.12.2019, 21:37 PM