At the Meeting between the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and US President, Donald Trump in Washington on Wednesday, it should be a scandal. How the US news page “Axios” reported on Thursday, brought out Erdogan an iPad and showed in the Oval Office present a Video (see below), in which members of the United States allies, Kurdish militia YPG and the PKK as terrorists were shown. But Erdogan’s Plan to make in the Kurdish question are no two opinions will apply, in addition, appears to have been.

For the roughly 90-minute Meeting, five Republican U.S. senators (Lindsey Graham, Jim Risch, Ted Cruz, Joni Ernst and Rick Scott) took part, which dealt with foreign policy issues and the Turkish Invasion had criticized in Syria, and the attacks on the Kurdish allies. After the screening of the in impeccable English-made Videos to be created a heated debate: Senator Graham should have asked Erdogan if he (Erdogan) wants to, “I’ll bring the Kurds to write a report about what have you done?”

Was not addressed to Erdogan’s Film well: Senator Lindsey Graham (r./in addition, Rick Scott) during a meeting in the Oval Office. (13. November 2019). Image: Keystone/Patrick Semansky)

From CNN, an unnamed Senator said that the Erdogan brought with him the Film was “absurd” and “pure Propaganda”. The content had not been “convincing,” said another source. Trump is sitting there leaning back during the demonstration, the Video viewed, and occasionally as a “traffic COP” have intervened.

Graham confirmed to “Axios”, that there had been a quarrel between him and Erdogan. That Turkey did to the Kurds, to destroy the IS, he rejected with emphasis, “and I let Turkey know that 10’000 fighters of the SDF, mainly Kurds, in the fight against the IS have suffered, died or were injured, and America will not forget and will not let you down.”

The Syrian Democratic forces (SDF), led by the YPG.

Turkey correspondent Ragip Soylu from the London-based news Agency “”Middle East Eye” tweeted the Video to have shown Erdogan’s Trump.


Created: 14.11.2019, 21:53 PM