Lenin Moreno has gone from express bluntly his discomfort by the presence of Julian Assange in the ecuadorian embassy in London to invite him to leave. Its time for asylum at the diplomatic office, which makes the already six years, is about to die if the founder of Wikileaks makes the case to the president of Ecuador and decides to leave the legation, a diplomatic walk on their own feet. “It is made the way for mr. Assange to take the decision of leaving the almost freedom,” said Brown on Thursday in an interview with several local radio stations, stating that the United Kingdom has ensured that the australian will not be extradited to any country if your life is in danger.

Assange sought refuge in the ecuadorian embassy in London in a distant past of 2012, when faced charges in Sweden for alleged sexual abuse. This cause was filed, but the founder of Wikileaks fears that if he comes out of the legation, a diplomatic can be arrested by the british authorities, which we require for having violated precautionary measures, and later extradited to the united States to respond to the revelation of State secrets to Wikileaks.


The justice of the US reveals for the error, which was preparing a secret indictment against Assange “Julian Assange is an ingrate” Ecuador rejects the demand of Assange against the new rules of asylum

that the president of Ecuador reaffirmed that, in conversation with the Government of the United Kingdom, I have been assured that such a scenario will not be given. “We sent an official communication to the british Government stating that the Constitution of Great Britain prevents a person to be extradited to a site where life-threatening,” he insisted Moreno.

Even so, the australian will have to answer for violating the probation. “Let’s not forget that he was not presented to the courts british and have to pay a penalty not long for that. That’s in the hands of british justice,” said Moreno.

ecuadorian president took advantage of the joint interview with several radio stations of national to clarify, for the second time, another related issue with Assange and his problems with the united States. This is Paul Deneme Bonusu Veren Siteler Manafort. The then-chief of campaign of Donald Trump met with Moreno in may 2017, just after the presidential elections in ecuador that won. According to the official version, Manafort was escorting a group of chinese investors who were interested in participating in strategic sectors of Ecuador. As the ecuadorian Constitution prevents any foreign capital in this type of business, the meeting ended without an agreement. Moreno has wanted to make clear now that there was no talk at any time of Assange, which is what that is investigating the united States, as revealed on CNN a few days ago, after The Guardian published that Assange and Manafort also had gathered.

Protocols of coexistence

If the australian finally he leaves the embassy will put an end to months of friction that has lived from Ecuador renewed its president. When he ruled Rafael Correa, the coexistence with the founder of Wikileaks in the diplomatic office remained without discrepancies, but the arrival of Lenin Moreno to power changed the landscape. At the end of 2017, the president of ecuador demanded that Assange to sign a document where they agreed not to make pronouncements on matters of internal politics of other countries. Upon his failure, during the crisis, secessionist Catalan, Moreno decided to incomunicar the hacker and deny you access to the Internet.

in mid-October of this year, the ecuadorian Government imposed a protocol of coexistence that required it to pay their living expenses, to undergo medical tests quarterly and that their visits be pre-authorized, instead of retrieving the connection to the Network. Assange protested at the new regime because, as alleged, violated their human rights and because, indirectly, forced his way out of the embassy. If you do not comply with the conditions, Ecuador would withdraw the asylum.

it was Not the first time that the Latin american country came up with alternatives to resolve the issue of Assange. At the end of 2017, awarded to the australian nationality of ecuador, despite the fact that he did not meet all the requirements of the national legislation, for which it may have access to a safe-conduct as a diplomat, and, with it, move to the embassy in Russia. The United kingdom did not accept it.