Nancy Pelosi is supposed to have made at an internal Meeting of the Democrats a spicy statement. The US Website “Politico” quoted the politician on Thursday with the words: “I want to see no impeachment proceedings against him, I want to see him in prison.”

This Statement by the leader of the Democrats in the house of representatives made according to the report, at a meeting on Tuesday with Chairman of the Committee. There you have to fight back against the claim by the Chairman of the judiciary Committee, Jerry Nadler, a study for the preparation of the impeachment proceeding.

The “Politico” quoted Expression Pelosis corresponding to their previous attitude that it is not the Congress should decide in the framework of the so-called Impeachment process, but the voters in the coming year, about whether or not Trump remains in office or not. It is, therefore, that in the case of a deselection Trumps going on in November 2020, the criminal justice system against him. Against the President can be charged according to the current constitutional interpretation of the U.S. Department of justice, no prosecution.

The elections in the head

At the base of the Democratic party as in the ranks of their members of Congress have increased since the publication of the investigation report to the Russia affair in April, the demands for impeachment proceedings against Trump. Pelosi is a Impeachment rejects, however, not least, from the concern that this Trump could help to mobilise his supporters for the election.

special investigator Robert Mueller had found in his nearly two years of investigation, no sufficient evidence of a conspiracy between trump’s campaign team and Moscow during the election campaign of 2016. However, he does not voice free Trump explicitly from the suspicion of having, after his arrival, the investigation of the Russia-contacts in the criminal way, disabled – a suspicion confirmed the Mueller at the end of may during an appearance in front of cameras completion of a work.

prospects for success

The Democrats would have to initiate it with their majority in the house of representatives in the Hand, a removal procedure. The decision on a deposition of Trumps was then in the Senate, where trump is the Republicans are in the majority.

it is Also used for a deposition of the President by a two-thirds majority in the Senate. At least according to the current state, an Impeachment would have so hardly any realistic prospects of success. (fal/afp)

Created: 06.06.2019, 18:55 PM