Yehuda Bauer is fast, no Matter whether it is an E-Mail, is a question not yet spoken, he answers immediately. He is 92 years old, in a couple of days, he is 93, so his Smartphone he has. For more than 60 years, he deals with the Holocaust. There is still so much what to say what to write down: He gives lectures, goes into schools, writes columns. He is working on.

Bauer’s left Arm is just acts a cover to the fingers, no matter he is right-handed. On health issues he does not want to talk about the book he has just published: “The Islamic anti-Semitism” – for him “the greatest danger in the world”.

He’s wearing blue sneakers, going quickly through his apartment in a senior residence in Jerusalem. Would not the hospital in between Shaare Zedek, one could see from here, from Yad Vashem, a memorial and research center, which is reminiscent of the national socialist extermination of Jews and scientifically documented. Bauer was born in 1926. As the national socialists in 1938, occupied Czechoslovakia, and emigrated with his parents to Palestine.

Salvini, Strache, Orban, Bolsonaro

If you ask him how he feels about it, actually, that people like Matteo Salvini, or Heinz-Christian Strache, came to Yad Vashem that they were received there like all the others that they took flowers and a kippah wearing, as you would not have said what you said. Salvini, who wants to count the number of Sinti and Roma in Italy, or Strache, has said 2012 on a frat boy-Ball in Vienna: “We are the new Jews,” after many had protested against the Ball.

Yehuda Bauer, who has worked at Yad Vashem, who has headed the International Centre for Holocaust Studies there from 1996 to 2000 and still advises, has a clear position: “If you are anti-Semitic, authoritarian people and dictators come, they should. Our foreign Ministry is quite welcome, to say we want this or that dictator to send to Yad Vashem.” He says, and his blue sneakers to dance.

He is the Only one that contributes to the public on the subject is expressed, the many employees of Yad Vashem. Israel’s right of national Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu invites right-wing politicians to Israel, which are of course to Yad Vashem. The device, which is reminiscent of the murder of the Jews must propagate, politicians receive, the admire openly Hitler and military dictatorships, the rush against minorities, anti-Semitic campaigns. The danger is that these politicians want to wash white? To forbid access?

“If anti-Semites or dictators want to come, so you should.” Yehuda Bauer, a historian and adviser to the Yad Vashem memorial

Internally, this is discussed in the Yad Vashem violently. A says he see a misuse of the memorial for political purposes. Anyone else hoping for a positive education effect.

In July 2018, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who had praised the Hitler ally Miklos Horthy as an “Exceptional statesman” came out. It was the first Time that protesters at Yad blocked Vashem. They held Orban signs with “shame!” and referred to his dealings with the American billionaire George Soros, Hungary, Jews who fled; Orban has reminded poster campaigns launched against Soros, Human Rights Watch, “Nazi Poster from the time of the Second world war”.

Yesterday, extreme right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro, who brings his admiration for the military dictatorship of his country was expressed in Brazil. During his election campaign, he had announced: “There will be a in Brazil, never-before-seen cleansing.” After a Visit with his declared role model, Donald Trump in the United States and Chile, as Israel is the third country he visited after taking office.

access deny?

The discussions about whether you should deny those politicians access to Yad Vashem, do not understand Yehuda Bauer. “Why don’t Orban, why not Bolsonaro?”, Bauer says. If he does not see the danger that these politicians are abusing the images, which are made Vashem during her visit to Yad, to … “Yes, of course,” he says, without the end of the question to be seen. “But that is a risk you must accept. The Alternative is that we let ourselves be in any Form, is much worse.”

Because you have kept in Yad Vashem: Whoever comes and behaves as, as you should be in a Museum and a memorial to behave. “Everyone,” says Bauer, “without any restrictions.”

This is a Position that is not shared by all in Yad Vashem. Others are confused, what you have to say one of the guided tours at all: Just the facts? One Million people visit Yad Vashem each year. Yad Vashem educational institution; students, soldiers, teachers come to understand in order to learn something.

The Museum at Yad Vashem pierced like an arrow to the Har Hasikaron, the mount of remembrance. The beginning and the end of 2005 opened the building juts out from the hillside. “The exhibition has turned out so well, because my proposals were rejected,” says Bauer. He also wanted to incorporate the attitude of the allies to the Jews during the Second world war with the exhibition. That’s been rejected.

Jewish life from the pre-war world is Shown up to the extermination of 6 million Jews. Each visitor is obliged to follow the zigzag course through the building, the path of destruction up to the “hall of names”. In a circular building, thousands of photos and brief descriptions of 2.5 million Murdered.

it has Only asked once, Yad Vashem openly against the Israeli government.

Yad Vashem on 19. August 1953 – five years after the Foundation of the state – by a decision of the Knesset, as state authority was founded. 40 percent of financial resources come from the state. The Institution has agreed historical research and preservation, education and commemoration with Realpolitik.

Only once, Yad Vashem openly against the Israeli government. It was 2018. Yehuda Bauer sounds proud when he told them: “Sure there have been prior discussions. But we had to say clearly, this is wrong.” He says and bangs his fist on the armrest of his leather chair.

It was the Polish historical law, originally even under a penalty, Poland co-responsibility in the Nazi crimes. As the Polish government withdrew the criminal threat, Netanyahu and Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki, signed a Declaration in which they “rejected Tests”, “Poland or the Polish Nation as a whole for the atrocities, which had committed the Nazis and collaborators”.

the Holocaust-feared of the Survivors in Israel, that Poland will be dismissed from the responsibility. Eight days of internal discussions at Yad Vashem lasted, before a Declaration was published. We discussed mainly about what priorities should be set, says Bauer.

what’s next?

a statement, it was said, the statement by the two leaders contained serious errors and deceptions came out. Polish help for Jews during the Holocaust is relatively rare, but violence against Jews was a common phenomenon. Specifically, Yad Vashem, spoke out against the Attempts “to bring the phenomenon of anti-Semitism with the anti-Polo-ISM”. This was clearly against Netanyahu, who had used this term of struggle of the Polish Right.

Yad Vashem serves as a model for the 250 Holocaust memorials around the world. But in Israel, led by the, according to its own Definition most right-wing government in the 70-year history of the country, in fear of employees to the independence of the Institution. The Chairman of the Directorate, Avner Shalev, was appointed in 1993 by a government led by the labour party. He is 80 years old and Vashem is considered to be a guarantor of the liberal principles in Yad. It occurs, could allow for a successor to the government more influence.

Yehuda Bauer now looks to the place where you could actually Yad Vashem see. Yes, one was in Yad Vashem aware, to be an oasis. And Yes, he was also aware that there will be more and more to the right and turn illiberal in this country. What he of the election on may 9. April expected? Pause: “A change for the Bad.”

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 02.04.2019, 18:37 PM