The Brexit leads Spain into a relationship uncertain with the Uk, the main source of european investment and tourists to the Spanish territory. At the same time, the lace agreed to respect Gibraltar represents the first clear victory of Madrid vs London in this conflict. The president of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, he did not hesitate this Sunday to highlight the progress Spanish: “With the Brexit we all lose, especially the United Kingdom, but in relation to Gibraltar, Spain wins”.

The path to the agreement of the Brexit has been difficult, but what is ahead will be even more so. The president of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, launched this forecast in Brussels, at the end of the short summit of heads of State and Government, which ratified the covenant of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of the European Union. Sanchez alluded both to the overall relationship of the community club with their soon exsocios british as a particular conflict between Spain and the United Kingdom with Gibraltar. Asked if will use this new phase to raise the co-sovereignty Spanish on the british colony, the chief Executive did fine-tune it: “we don’t have to anticipate”. Later he added: “we’re Going to talk about everything”. The goal is to “resolve once and for all a conflict that has lasted 300 years”.

MORE INFORMATION Spain unlocks the Brexit after a triple guarantee on Gibraltar Reason Spanish benefit european Of the ‘betrayal’ of Barnier at the mule of Sánchez

That comprehensive dialogue that will address Spain with the United Kingdom on a matter for years cystic is due to the “position of strength” that acquires Spain after pact of divorce, according to the interpretation of the president. Spain has managed to introduce, in annex to this text, a statement of the community institutions, which enshrines the right of veto Spanish about any advantage future for Gibraltar. With that lever, Spain will try to forge a more balanced relationship —less based on the unfair competition— with the Rock to when the expiry of the period of transition from Brexit, as of January 2021.

Sanchez appeared smiling after several days of tense negotiations by the threat of veto posed by Spain to the general agreement of the Brexit. The risks that the wording of the treaty would allow in a future that Gibraltar should remain included automatically in any relationship that pactasen Celtabet Uk and the EU were disobedient to the Spanish Executive, which is found by surprise with an article potentially damaging to Spain in the final document of the Brexit.

shared Prosperity

The threat of a vote against kindling a negotiation that concluded with written statements of the Commission and the Council to support the position of Spain. Also with other —more ambiguous— than the United Kingdom by delinking the article of discord (184) of any negotiation over Gibraltar.

Aware that the debate on a territory that passed into british hands in 1713, with the Treaty of Utrecht, turn on some political sentiment, the president said that to solve this mess “is not a question of emotional or national identity”. Sanchez framed the demands of spain in the necessity of “a shared prosperity with the Field of Gibraltar”. Spain regrets that the Rock constitutes the third territory with the highest income per capita in the world, if midiese as an autonomous State, while the Spanish region adjoining it is one of the most depressed in the country.

with Regard to the legal value of the european commitments on Gibraltar, Sánchez said that there is no doubt the coverage that they provide. A senior community ratified this version: “This document will be the basis of any future negotiations with United Kingdom and never will be included to Gibraltar; it will always be necessary for the approval of Spain”.

The ruler Spanish warned against the temptation of thinking that the milestone this Sunday culminates the Brexit. Now must approve the Parliaments of the british, and european, which can lead to unforeseen circumstances. “Anyone want this [the output agreed] not to happen, but we must prepare for all scenarios,” he warned. Like other european leaders, Sánchez ruled out alternatives to the pact between London and Brussels. “I desired to the first minister Theresa May that the uk Parliament ratifies the agreement because it is the best that can be reached. There is No other”, he emphasized.

Message to the PP: that you read the british press

The president tried to avoid this Sunday any fray of partisan respect to Gibraltar, a case in which the main opposition party criticized the results that have been achieved by the Government. Even so, he directed a few words to the leader of the Popular Party, Paul is Married, has spoken of the assignment and failure to refer to the strategy of the socialist Government in respect to the Rock. Asked about those criticisms, Sanchez responded: “I recommend that you read the british press and draw their own conclusions”. Various british media have pointed out that Theresa May has made concessions to Spain to accept the political statements on Gibraltar that accompany the agreement for withdrawal of United Kingdom.

In a more subtle, Sanchez recalled that, while under the Executive of Mariano Rajoy, the claims in respect of Gibraltar were just “a mere point” in the documents agreed upon, which is now enshrined is a “triple shielding”. It is true that until now all the documents of the Brexit were texts for the negotiation and that the only time to include something binding was the package of retreat, which has now been sealed in Brussels.

“The Government has treated this matter of Gibraltar with huge sense of State. And what we have done with the same negotiating team that the previous Government”, added Sánchez.