in the Morning, the most powerful man in the world usually has a lot of time for Breakfast, Tweet and keep Track of news broadcasts. Only at 11.00 p.m., or even later, the first official appointment, then. And in the afternoon, the US President, Donald Trump > once again air for a more or less spontaneous activities

this usual daily routine is Documented in Trumps face-to-face calendar for the past three months, the US Website “Axios”, published at the weekend. Thus, a full 60 percent of the working time of the presidents were classified as “Executive time”. These are phases through structured procedures and deadlines.

The impression that the President does not work in these phases, really, dismissed the White house, however, vehemently. The published documents showed “the hundreds of phone calls and Meetings”, with which Trump was every day busy, wrote his personal Secretary Madeleine Westerhout in the short message service Twitter. This President was working “harder for the American people than any in recent history,” she affirmed.

In Trumps predecessors, the official dates lined up together, however, is usually dense. However, the official program for this Assembly stood about in Trumps only two dates: for 11.45 at the routine Briefing by the secret services, for 12.45 PM lunch with Vice-President Mike Pence.

Trumps planning is similar to that of Clinton’s most

language in Order to evaluate differences to its predecessors, “Axios” with former employees of the President Barack Obama , George W. Bush and Bill Clinton . The conclusion: With a Bush Trump when it comes to time management at the least similarities.

Bush’s schedule was tightly planned and for months fully booked. Bush woke up each about 5.15 PM, drank coffee with his wife Laura and went around 6.45 PM to the Oval Office. His first meeting Bush had to 8.15 PM. Around 17: 30 or 18 at Bush’s ended day. At 21, he went to bed and read a book.

Similarly disciplined as Bush Obama: But unlike Bush, this one stayed awake longer to read. Trumps predecessors had usually six meetings per day. Obama came usually at around 9 o’clock in the morning into the Oval Office and broke against 18 or 18:30 for dinner with the First Lady and his daughters.

About three evenings per week attended Obama events and about three Times in the month of domestic trips were on the program.

Where is Clinton?

Trumps schedule similar to the one Bill Clinton the most, the end of the historian Chris Whipple concludes. Clinton is addicted have been to meetings with supporters; shaking hands here, chat and take photos there. In addition, he was undisciplined and chronically late. You’ve even carried out a study called “Time and Motion” (time and motion), to find out where Clinton spent his time.

But Clinton had matured during his tenure; his days in the Oval Office started usually at 9 am. Once in the Oval Office arrived, had Clinton spent the day there and in the evening worked. (nag/AFP)

Created: 04.02.2019, 19:02 PM