The first act of the Government of López Obrador has been paralyzed by the mexico supreme court. The minister of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJN) Alberto Pérez Dayán has ordered this Friday to temporarily suspend the application of the Federal Law on Compensation that sets a ceiling for the senior officers of 108,000 pesos per month ($5,300), the new salary of the president. The opinion of the magistrate, which yet has to be discussed in the plenary of the court, is a setback for the plan of adjustment of Government expenditure and Brunette, facing the imminent parliamentary debate on the budgets –set for the next week– without the retaining wall that marked the boundary to the public salaries. The final ruling on the constitutionality of the measure could be postponed up to six months.


The first law of was López Obrador: cut the salaries of politicians, The judiciary, on a war footing before López Obrador A surge of officials adds to the criticism of the judiciary by trimming salaries of Lopez Obrador

The resource has been promoted by a minority parliamentarian in the senate —Brunette dominates with an absolute majority of both houses— led by heavy weights of the PRI —the former secretary of the Interior Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong— and the PAN —the former governor of Puebla Rafael Moreno Valle—. The opinion of this Friday, granted that there are reasons to enter to assess a possible violation of article 127 of the magna carta mexican that establishes a payment for the public servers proportional to its charge and responsibility. It also acknowledges a possible conflict with article 94, which prohibits the salaries of the judges may be diminished during his tenure.

The austerity plan in the Administration, approved the express in September by the most of Brown, had been received by a strong wave of rejection by different Sultanbet stakeholders-public, in particular the judiciary. More than 2,000 employees of the judiciary —among them 600 judges— have promoted writ of amparo against a measure which they accuse of undermining its institutional autonomy. “The development of these processes is independent though parallel to the action of unconstitutionality that has led to the suspension of this Friday,” underscore judicial sources. The monthly salary —without adding extra entitlements— of ministers, of both the Supreme Court and of the Council of the Federal Judiciary exceeds 269.000 pesos per month, more than double the ceiling.

The reactions to failure in the bench of Brown have ranged between the critical and the irrelevance. “The abusive and illegal suspension of the law by the supreme court does not affect anything in the process of approval of the remuneration budget”, he stated in a tweet by deputy Paul Gomez, editor of law contested. “Never —he added— has sought to apply the Law of Remuneration for the issuance of the Budget of 2019, but the article 127 of the Constitution,” precisely the same article put forward to question the legality of the rule.

The coordinator of Brown in the Senate, Ricardo Monreal, accused for its part, the Judiciary have led the resource itself approved this Friday: “The action of unconstitutionality against the law of Wages was drawn up, drafted and cabildeada by ministers of the supreme court. Judges and part. Does anyone doubt as resolved?”. The Government of Brown and his parliamentary majority has been met with the judicial power as the first great wall.

the pending resolution on the merits of the resource and of the wave of shelters, the government body of the judges prepares in parallel a truce to the confrontation. A general agreement of self-regulation in that they recognize some of the vices and debts that they have with the mexican society. They are willing to take a turn to your structure. But in and of themselves. Without the imposition of Legislative. The General Agreement of the Council of the Judiciary, in the hands of this journal, aims to promote the meritocracy, and to eradicate nepotism.