Ironically, Zuckerberg & co. allow your children often electronic Gadgets. What do you say?
The parents laid down rules depend on your parenting style, but also of their Knowledge of the opportunities and risks of new media. Parents who are closely connected with the technological world of Silicon Valley, to see the world through the optic of their profession and may see more than other parents the negative consequences. But also some of the parents in Switzerland have very strict rules for their children.

The recommendations by the Federal government, however, are significantly more lax.
We will advocate for accompaniment instead of bans, because digital media are now part of the everyday life, and children need to learn to use them wisely. We ensure that parents receive reliable information about the opportunities and risks of digital media, so that they can make informed decisions about the building rules. We provide recommendations based on current scientific knowledge. Also, these recommendations are regularly reviewed and adjusted.

And what are the current recommendations?
the 3-6-9-12 rule above all: No television under the age of 3, not a separate game console from 6, Internet to 9 and social networks to 12.

Sounds good, but also depends on the daily consumption.
We have no specific recommendations for daily media consumption, but we advise the parents, a clear set of rules for the duration and type of allowed content. These rules should take into account not only the age of the child, but also the total screen time for TV, Computer, Tablet, Smartphone and game consoles. We recommend that parents offer to their children’s leisure activities without digital media.

What do you think of the rule of Athena Chavarrias, the former adviser to Zuckerberg: the children of a Smartphone, if you are the last in the class that don’t have one.
All parents are responsible to decide for their children, when you can have a Smartphone. However, the group may be forced, in particular in the school, be strong, and children tend to overestimate the number of comrades with a Smartphone, if you don’t have one. Contacts between parents of the same class, such as in a school-organised event in the evening, might be useful to discuss these concerns.

one Often hears, that it depended on the Mix – gaming is okay, if a child engaged in sports and reading. But: Would not be gaming not better?
However, the Balance between media use and other leisure activities is crucial to Regularly gaming is pushing for a child, this is true by the way, friends, sports, or music, easily. Games today are part of our society, and to provide support to young people, using Games in an appropriate and age-appropriate. A ban would only make them more attractive. Some Games also promote interesting skills or have an educational function, such as “Datak”, it sharpens the awareness of data protection among young people.

The Silicon Valley Gurus nannies have. One of our used digital devices as a “Babysitter”. How problematic is this?
We encourage to use the parents of small children, no Smartphones, Tablets, Computer or TV as a Babysitter. Small children need attention and Affection, especially by direct communication with a view, language and touch. The media is not a substitute Babysitter. For older children, in turn, it is important that computer games do not use as Kaçak Bahis Siteleri a reward or punishment, in order to increase the attention the child gives to you.

keywords: role model: parents Can point out that you are a grown-up and therefore the phone may stick?
at a young age to imitate children, the people in your environment and are looking for caregivers that can take you as a role model. Just in the first ten years, the influence of parents is significant. It is important that parents are aware of it. But if you yourself are not the model or the technical Know-how of their children is about the parents, you should not prevent, their educational role, however. Your life experience allows you to be the Judge of content or the assessment of its social consequences.


Created: 30.11.2018, 15:44 PM