with North Korea’s commander-in-chief Kim Jong-un power exceeded Donald Trump on Sunday in a historic gesture in the demilitarized Zone between South and North Korea, the border to the North. The US President invited at the same time Kim on a visit to Washington and announced a resumption of negotiations on North Korea’s nuclear program.

images: Historic Meeting in the divided Korea

Trump and Kim shook at their Meeting in Panmunjom, first the Hand, then they walked together across the demarcation line on the North Korean side of the border. Then they went together to South Korean territory, where they met South Korea’s leader Moon Jae-in.

Kim said the “wonderful” relationship with the US President, “allows us to overcome boundaries”. The US President said: “It is an honor for me to be here. Many great things happen just.”

The invitation to the White house

Trump said Kim an invitation to the White house. The North Korean rulers could visit him, “whenever he wants to,” said the US President. He announced in addition, new talks on the North Korean nuclear program. The negotiators of the two sides are to begin, therefore, in the next “two or three weeks” with their deliberations.

Trump had offered Kim on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, via Twitter, surprisingly, a Hit. He wanted to shake Kim “just a quick Hand and say Hello,” said the US President, who had arrived on Saturday evening in South Korea, on Sunday at a press conference with Moon in Seoul.

The North Korean government described the proposal on Saturday as “interesting”. On Sunday, Pyongyang confirmed the Meeting. “The leader of the United States and North Korea in Panmunjom, Symbol of division, for the peace of the Hand,” said Moon.

The meeting in the demilitarized Zone was to meet the third of the two politicians. In a first summit meeting between Trump and Kim in June 2018 in Singapore, North Korea had agreed in principle on the denuclearization of the course. Concrete steps were agreed on. A second summit in Hanoi in February failed, as there was no approximation; since then, talks between Washington and Pyongyang in the nuclear standstill.

memories of the April 2018

crossing The border Trumps recalled the historical Meeting between Kim and Moon, in April last year, when the North Korean leader the head of state of South Korea and invited to cross the demarcation line, which the two countries it separates. The two heads of state met at the first summit, which was seen as a further sign of the diplomatic thaw between the two hostile neighboring States.

On the four-kilometre-wide and 250-Kilometer-long border was in the Korean war the Front. The 1950 outbreak of the conflict ended in 1953 with a cease-fire.

The dispute over the nuclear program of the largely isolated North Korean state employs the international community for a long time. Trump threw the diplomatic practices of his predecessor on the pile of by he met, without further ADO, directly with the power from Pyongyang.


Created: 30.06.2019, 10:54 PM