Maratonstjernen Henrik Jørgensen, who died 26. January, put a large footprint on the Danish løbehistorie.

It was clear to everyone before, during and after a mindeløb in Copenhagen on Saturday morning, where several thousand had turned up.

They all got handed a headband, as they ran around with in the Danish capital to honor Henrik Jørgensen.

It tells løbskoordinator Henrik Them.

– Henry’s characteristics was to run with a headband, so all the runners have run with a headband. The vast majority have a white headband, while there has also been the opportunity to run with green, yellow and red headbands, ” says Henrik Them.

Henrik Jørgensen died of a heart attack during a run at home on the island of Bornholm, at the age of 57 years.

Maratonstjernen, which among other things was known for its impressive træningsiver, marked with several major accomplishments in the 1980s.

Career peak came in 1988, when he won the prestigious marathons the London Marathon. He is still the holder of the Danish maratonrekord, which reads in 2 hours, 9 minutes and 43 seconds and was set 21. april 1985.

At Saturday’s mindeløb could all meet up. Neither at the start or the finish line were runners registered, but organizers estimate that more than 2000 years in the streets of copenhagen.

– There has been a strong sentiment. There was great interest in the event, and more than 2000 showed up to pay tribute to a runner and a human being who has made a huge difference for løbesporten.

– There was a very life-affirming mood as the race started and out on the route. To honor Henry says løbskoordinatoren.

Before the runners were sent away, kept family and friends to Henrik Jørgensen talks, and held a minute’s silence.

The many runners also had the option to purchase an additional headband. The money goes to Hjerteforeningen, at the request of the family.

See also: Expert: Henrik Jørgensen was løbekongen in Denmark