number of States in close due to security concerns, the Chinese company Huawei in the Development of the 5G network. In Germany, economy Minister Altmaier and experts of the Federal government that is not necessary.

economy Minister Altmaier has nothing against Huawei products in the 5G-network – as long as you are safe.

Federal Economics Minister, Peter Altmaier, has no specific objections to the involvement of the Chinese telecommunications equipment supplier Huawei in the construction of the German-5G-network. “But every single product, every single device must be safe if it is used in critical infrastructure,” he told the Reuters news Agency.

the network provider to decide

In the area of telecommunications and in other sensitive areas must be ensured that no unauthorized person can intrude into the networks. Otherwise, it is a matter for the network providers, such as Deutsche Telekom, as they designed their Goods and their product relationships.

The Minister also announced that soon it will be decided, whether the provisions for the Acquisition of German companies by investors from third countries be tightened up. It will go primarily to issues of national security and critical infrastructure. Less crucial is the question of the level of participation of purchase, the state Intervention should receive. The Federal government was “the last trains” to come here for adjustments.

Federal office, according to the “mirror” any concerns

The 5G network in Germany is to soon be built.

reported the “mirror”, the Federal office for information security (BSI), no concrete evidence of a suspicion of espionage against the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei. The authority shall speak, therefore, against a ban of the company about the upcoming construction of the new 5G mobile radio networks. “For such serious decisions as a spell, you need documents,” said BSI President Arne Schönbohm the news magazine. This non-existence of its authority.