In case of a Brexit, without agreement, threatening, in many areas, Chaos – in the UK itself, but also in the European Union. London’s membership would be at 29. March 2019 ends abruptly. An Overview.

100 days prior to the Brexit the UK and the European Union prepare for a Brexit, without the exit agreement. The Commission published in Brussels in your emergency plan. In the case of a disorderly exit of London’s membership in the EU would suddenly-the internal market and the customs Union on 29. March 2019 – that has consequences.

the British pound and house prices in free fall,

expects The Bank of England, with a crash of the British pound in the case of a Brexit, without agreement. It would lose 25 percent of their value. Also, the real estate market would be hit hard. The Central bankers expect to see a case of house prices by 30 percent.

exports break a

The British export industry would lose according to the assessment by the credit insurer Euler Hermes in the first year of exports to the value of 30 billion pounds. The continental Europeans would be taken due to the close economic relations. For German exporters, with exports in the amount of eight billion euros is, according to Euler Hermes, the most on the game.

hamster purchases, and the battle for storage areas

British companies to import goods they need for their production urgently hoarding now. According to Euler Hermes, there is “hamster purchases, such as after a storm warning”. In the meantime, get in the UK but hardly more storage areas, as well as supermarkets and pharmaceutical companies are preparing to supply bottlenecks and food and medicines in stock to buy.

All controls

All the Goods and people need to be controlled before Crossing the borders of the EU. Alone, German customs wants to hire 900 additional officers. In order to prevent, at least in tourist traffic is the worst, wants to allow the EU Commission to the British “Visa-free travel” up to 90 days-if London conversely, this “all citizens of the EU grants”.

Truck queues at the ports of

after The exit from the EU, necessary for customs clearance of deliveries of goods to ports. The border formalities could make this car for the long queues of trucks. In the port of Dover Truck clearance currently takes two minutes. Only two minutes more would cause congestion of 27 kilometres, warns the operator.

aircraft on the ground

In the case of a No-Deal-Brexit, many Airlines would lose their licenses to and from the UK fly. The British government to issue European Airlines, therefore, temporary special permits, provided that UK airlines will get them from the EU. Also for the EU-Commission of the air transport is one of the “priority areas” for emergency measures.

car production Lahm

works today, with virtually no storage. Suppliers provide parts “just in time”, which can be directly processed after arrival. With wait times due to customs clearance, this will be hardly possible, as the European car manufacturers Association Acea warns. Companies are therefore working on contingency plans. BMW has already announced to move the annual Routine closure of its British plant for the Mini for maintenance purposes directly on the time after the Brexit.

Bracing for the Unger Brexit, 18.12.2018 the lower house is expected to vote in mid-January, 17.12.2018

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