He asked with more than 100 lung experts, the current limit values for fine dust and nitrogen oxides out of the question. Now of the lung is an acknowledged specialist Köhler calculation errors.
The much-noted critique of more than 100 lung doctors to limit values for air pollutants contains calculation errors. Well, three weeks after the publication of the opinion of the physician Dieter Köhler errors admitted. He, however, remained the basic statement, that the limits, which is why there are Diesel-driving bans in cities, are not adequately substantiated scientifically. The calculation error was first reported, the “taz”.
Köhler had written in January with more than 100 other lung experts opinion, the current limit values for fine dust and nitrogen oxide in question and their science to be challenged. There is currently “no scientific justification for the current limits,” argued the doctors ‘ group in the paper. She called for a revaluation of the previous studies.
The experts Köhler had explained in its criticism of, among other things, a smoker, on a packet per day in a few months, the same amount of fine dust and nitrogen oxide, as an 80-year-old non-Smoking life with the dignity of the outside air. Should read: the size of the risk with these pollutants is not, otherwise the majority of smokers would die after a few months.
in The comparison between exposure to polluted air and the danger of cigarettes were in error.
Incorrect conversions and output values
However, in the bill insert errors – caused by faulty translations and incorrect output values, as stated in the “taz”report. Following the logic of köhler and correct the error, take a smoker by cigarettes in a good six to 32 years, nitrogen dioxide amount as an 80-Year-old non-Smoking period of his life when Inhaled from the outside air.
previously, experts had stressed the need for the comparison between a sustained load such as polluted air and a temporary high load such as when Smoking is not allowed.