When the Sine Cecilie Laub has menstruation, she uses neither the sanitary towels, tampons or cups. Instead, lets she the blood run out in underbukserne, as she switches several times a day.
the Concept is called ’free bleeding’ and are referred to in the Sine Cecilie Laub and Maja Nyvangs new book ’Soaked’, which is published today.
In the book, which started as a thesis, treats the two women in the menstrual period as a historical, cultural, and political concept. They are trying to make up with the shame many women feel when they have menstrual period.
– We believe that it pushes to the any and work cross-border in any, because we never really talk about it. It’s a pretty underexposed subject. Everything else blood and mutilated bodies, and people who have died in war, we can easily look at, say 30-year-old Maja Nyvang, there is not a ‘free bleeder, but use the menstrual cup.
– It is to start a good conversation about menstruation, and we would like to continue to maintain this conversation, complements Sine Cecilie Laub.
It is the publisher People’s Press, which is behind the release.
In the book lists the two previous retorikstuderende several benefits of it tabulagte in to have sex during menstruation. Some women may, for example, have more desire for sex when they menstruate.
Here they tell also of a so-called ’bloody mary’, which means to give or receive oral sex during menstrual period, so you get a ’mælkeskæg, just with blood’.
they do This with a reference to a ’pearl necklace’, as Frank Hvam made known in the Clown – The Movie, where he squirts semen out of the neck of his sleeping mother-in-law, as he confuses her with his girlfriend.
– People must, of course, completely free to decide whether they want one or get a bloody mary. We tell only, that it exists. And we may as well understand, that there is someone who thinks it is cross-border and violently, and we can also understand that someone does not think it, say Sine Cecilie Laub, which emphasizes the purpose of the book.
– This book describes just a lot of things, which occurs within the menstrual period of the one way or the other. And we are not out to beat the drum for people to go out and make a bloody mary, it sounds from the 31-year-old author.
the Book is not that all women must be free bleeders.
– We will not have women to anything. Women must decide for themselves how they will soft. Also if they will take the pill in order to get rid of that soft or not. We do not have any agenda on that ’now there has just softened away,’ says Maja Nyvang.
It’s about to get menstrual-talk out in the public space, where women at work are hiding their volume in the sleeve, before switching it on the toilet.
And where the actual packaging is designed not to make a sound in order to avoid embarrassing situations, when there is a need for a change in public restrooms. This invisibility is the whole problem and the result of a debate on gender equality.
Psychologist and editor of girltalk.dk, Anna Bjerre, believe that it is incredibly important to have an open discussion about menstruation, but has no great scam to free bleeding. She will, however, not deny that it may be right for some women.
– It is entirely up to the individual how you will make whether you will use the sanitary towels, tampons or cups. It’s all about feeling comfortable, when you are menstruating, says the psychologist.
On the Girltalk sitting just under 100 volunteers in the days and weekends ready to advise girls and young women about menstruation. In her work she is every day confirmed, that women are very different, also when it comes to menstruation.
– Some bleed quite a bit, others bleed a lot. I may well put me into, in that some want to free bleede, but it seems somewhat impractical. It may be the restrict in relation to where you for example can put out, says Anna Bjerre, as, however, points to the specially developed panties, can alleviate some of these problems.
– If it limits the ’damage’, then there is the thought in some detail, as I highlighted as problematic. I think, frankly, that women should do what they feel best with. I will not dispute that, here free bleeding-concept exists, but if it becomes the only way forward, then we risk limiting women in a different direction.
Free bleeding as a concept is new, and according to Anna Bjerre, one of the trends which emerge in the public space.
Maybe it’s an overnight success, but they are still to influence and move, among other things ligestillingsdebatten.
– all the time There are trends that pops up. There is constantly some ligestillingskampe, which must be fought. But we reached a good while longer than we were 50 years ago. And here I am perhaps a bit old fashioned but equality for me is not that we must be the same. It’s all about, that we should have equal opportunities.
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