The presentation of Carmen Cuadrado Perez’s book, which was dedicated to her as the last councilor of the municipality took place in Seron a few days ago. She passed away two years ago from a long battle with cancer.
Juan Antonio Lorenzo, the mayor of the city, and Francisco Javier Fernandez Espinosa the writer presented the act. His relatives and friends were present as well as colleagues and acquaintances who wanted pay tribute to the mayor.
Juan Antonio Lorenzo gave an emotional review of Cuadrado’s years, including his personality, professional involvement, and the unconditional love he showed for his people since his days as a councilor. Carmen’s ability to work and commitment, which she shared with everyone she met, has been a surprise to us since she joined our team. Lawrence described her as a strong woman, with clear ideas and personal courage. She held office until her death ten days before she died.
Espinosa was responsible for coordinating publication on the municipal official. He recognized that the book’s content was affected by the different aspects he discovered about Cuadrado. I must admit that I tried to gather all sorts of dates, acts, and anecdotes to give us a 360o view of Carmen Cuadrado Perez’s life and personality at the start of this project. My target was getting further away the more I progressed. The writer explained that data and numbers obscured the essence of that little girl who listened intently to her mother when she read one of the “Stories to love the fire” stories.
We all know the ending of Carmen’s tale. Espinosa added that I felt it was appropriate to reveal the real engines of Carmen’s day-to-day existence: family, personal, and professional improvement, her progressive calling, and the identity rooted within her hometown, Seron.”
A video tribute to her was shown at the event. Her closest family, most close friends, and co-workers shared moments with Carmen Cuadrado. The sounds and images that were transmitted from Carmen Maria Perez’s content pain to the sadness and learning of her husband and companions, who shared their experiences with a committed young Carmen Cuadrado.
Carmen Cuadrado Perez, a Seron City Councilor from 2007 to June 25, 2019, was her last day as a councilor. She died three days after turning 40. During all of these years, she was deputy mayor. This highlighted her work in Tourism Area, where she developed and promoted, among other initiatives the Seron Strategic Tourism Plan. She also tirelessly worked in Local Economy. Her ability to adapt to all terrains made her projects exceed the objectives.