The most important tests of the upper stage for more and more youngsters are disappointing: In Germany, more students fall through the high school. Since 2009, the rate of failed tests has increased almost steadily, as an analysis of the news Agency dpa. Last about one out of 26 candidates failed. Experts criticise the fact that students could compensate for poor performance prior to graduation to just – in testing.

While in the graduation class of 2009 according to the statistics, the conference of education Ministers (KMK) 2,39% of the students failed, it was 3.43 per cent in 2016 and 2017 already 3,78 percent. For 2018, the Figures are not yet available from all Federal States, the tendency is confirmed, however: In many countries, the ratio of the fallen rose again. It is especially high in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, where, in 2017, about one in 14. Baccalaureate DUT failed. In Berlin, six percent of students failed, this value is higher than the average.

The 1.0 is also being awarded more often

At the same time, the rating of 1.0 is nationwide also more likely to forgive. Nearly every fourth graduate was 2017 a 1 before the decimal point. The high school grades are so extreme. This illustrates the dependence of educational success from parents of children, says the Chairman of the Association of education and upbringing, Udo Beckmann. In the case of a group the parents could arrange the necessary funding and support to private, the other fell “through the grate”. “The scissors open more and more,” says Beckmann.

The Chairman of the philologists Association, Susanne Lin-Klitzing, looks more error in the design of the baccalaureate. “High school is the fruit of continuous Learning and continuous shows Afford – in the Positive or in the Negative,” she said. Students will not required of this continuity, however, some would already offset from the lower – to mid-level only, because they could iron out the bad performances in a good in another subject. “Only at the end, in the baccalaureate, maths, English and a foreign language to be binding is passed, there is no compensation helps,” says education researcher, whose Association represents secondary school teachers.

“Many it is as difficult in January

prepare” in addition, the case, it is difficult for many young people, already in January, for exams in April to prepare said Lin-Klitzing. With the graduation regulations of the Minister of culture, this continuous Learning are not promoted sufficiently and required. So students would have to bring in the upper secondary level, only 32 to 40 of their courses into the high school. You occupied, but significantly more grades in the other courses were not, however, for the Abitur. And even in such courses, the add included for Abi calculation, it is expected of the students fall at least by eight times.

The young people learned so that you don’t even have to always bring their best performance. “More courses to bring in would be in many respects useful, because they give a better Image of the continuous performance in the whole upper level,” says Lin-Klitzing. Then there was some other incentive, or the students did not realize on time that their services were sufficient. In this case, you could fire either a learning turbo or courses voluntarily repeat. The seat stay during qualifying for Abi to introduce, holds Lin-Klitzing, however, is not sensible.

The best grade average in Thuringia

The Chairman of the philologists Association also pleaded for it to rate high school graduates strict. “What I want, is that good performance is rated good, very good performance very good, but not enough power not enough.” A student need not even the half of the maximum number of points in order to pass an exam. The young people prepare poorly to work, life and study.

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Anja Kühne

Overall, the grades have become in recent years somewhat better, but still not strong. The best grade average in the year 2017, in Thuringia, with 2.18, the worst in lower Saxony, with 2.57. In Berlin the average was at 2.41. (dpa/Tsp)