“Winter solstice – the year’s shortest day”

“After the winter solstice in 2018, we go towards lighter times.”

“up to Date 27u002F11-2018.”

“It is dark now but it becomes brighter again. On 21 december 2018, to be precise. nDå it is time for the winter solstice – the year’s shortest day. But then turn it to brighter days.”

“the Darkness of winter closes ever tighter around us. In Sweden, a number of per cent of the population suffer from the so-called seasonal affective disorder due to the lack of light.”

“And really depressed there will be a little while longer, namely until 23:23 on 21 december. Then occurs, namely, the winter solstice – the time when the sun is lowest in the sky seen from the northern hemisphere. Which means 21 december 2018 is the year’s shortest day.”

“the Declaration of two of our solstice in the summer, respectively winter, we find in how the earth’s axis is tilted. In connection with the winter solstice is tilted, the earth’s northern hemisphere, which is most away from the sun.”

“When the solstice occurs varies from year to year, depending on the skottårscykeln. For many years during the leap year and the year after occurred on december 21, and 22 the third and the fourth year in a skottårscykeln.”

“midwinter sacrifice contentious”

“Many people think that the winter solstice was celebrated before Sweden became christian in the form of the feast of the sacrifice midvinterblot, which would be a precursor to the christmas season. The research, however, is unsure about whether midwinter sacrifice at all existed, and if so, exactly when in the year it has been celebrated.”

“However, often coincide the winter solstice with Tomasdagen 21 december, until the end of the 1700s was a holiday in Sweden. In parts of the country marked the start of julefriden. It was also then that the holiday brews got provsmakas, why the day is also called ”Tomas fylletunna”.”

“Prohibition ”kringgärningar””

“because of the compact darkness was regarded as well the solstice as Tomasdagens (s) as dangerous, when the evil being was in the movements. In order not to offend the water-sprite, evil spirits or even the plot was not no so-called kringgärningar be carried out, i.e. jobs that require something going around, from and with Tomasdagen. Spinning wheels and other things had to be set up in the attic until tjugondag Knut.”

“Tomasdagen was also an opportunity to terminate the various contracts. In addition to servants and tenants could be kicked out said it also raised rats and mice, in the hope that they would obey.”

“Even if the winter solstice can feel heavy grows the light in the tunnel quickly. Already on 20 march next year in connection with the vårdagsjämningen are day and night equal in length.”

“Sources: Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute, the Nordic museum, the Swedish Institute for language and folklore”