the ROME – “The allies” Nato “remain strongly committed to the mission in Iraq, which is helping to strengthen the iraqi forces and to prevent the return of Daesh”. He said the secretary-general of Nato, Jens Stoltenberg who has had a telephone conversation with iraqi prime minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi . The discussion, informs the Alliance, focused on the security situation in the region and on the implications for the mission of training non-combat Nato in Iraq.

Stoltenberg reiterated that Nato has temporarily suspended the activities of field training, but is ready to continue when the situation will allow. Italy “No hypothesis of withdrawal” of the Italian military from Iraq, stresses the ministry of Defence. The Italian soldiers have left, in the course of the night, the american base in Baghdad, by two days under fire from mortars. The transfer from the compound “Union 3″ has concerned about fifty police involved in the operation of training of the iraqi security forces and it has been decided by the State major of the Defence agreement with Nato. The soldiers participating in the Nato Mission to Iraq”, have not been reported in Italy, but have been transferred to another area not far away.

To the Circus Maximus, on Capital Radio, the viceministra of Foreign affairs Marina Sereni spoke of italy’s commitment in Iraq: “Italy confirms its commitment on the side of Iraq. We have many military in Erbil, our contingent is mostly there and has a function of the training of the iraqi security forces and kurdish; the same applies to the quotas that are in other locations, in particular in Baghdad. We have simply moved a small group of soldiers that was housed in a base is not considered to be secure and only that small contingent has been moved temporarily. The situation is one of extreme tension, we need to protect our military, at this time the missions are suspended and the military are in the bases, but if the political conditions, and then if the evolution of the framework of the iraqi allows, we are ready to stay and to keep our commitments to Iraq”. Germany Germany has started the withdrawal of its troops in Iraq. In a note sent to the German Bundestag, the minister of Defence, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, and the Foreign minister, Heiko Maas, has stated that the military presence of germany in the Country is “temporarily slimmed down”, until there is “clarity” on the future and the use of foreign troops in Iraq. About 30 soldiers stationed in Baghdad and Taji will be transferred to Jordan and Kuwait, said a spokesman for the ministry of Defence.

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