
Emelias horses were subjected to sexual abuse

Eksjö+ FÖLJEmelias horses were subjected to sexual övergreppNYHETER In the last week, Emelia Kosel, 31, know that her horses were on the run....

One does notable swap: Van Gils must give way to avondsoap ‘in their Thirties’

TV Lieven Van Gils concluded last Thursday, all the doors of his chat show 'Van Gils & guests' and comes only at the end...

The calf Sigge thinks he is a horse: Is afraid of the cows

Djurhjälten+ FÖLJPRESENTERAS AVKalven Sigge thinks he is a horse: ”Is afraid of the cows”SWEDISH HEROES Calf Sigge was bortstött of her mother rather...

Therefore, we celebrate all saints ‘ day

Celebrations+ FÖLJDärför we celebrate all saints 'dagAlla saints' day: Therefore celebrated högtidenFoto: TTVi light candles at the graves during the all saints day.LOVELY FLAT...

The police are expected to provide answers about Bjärred case

The deaths in Bjärred+ FÖLJPolisen is expected to provide answers about Bjärred-ärendetTvå adults and two children were found dödaNYHETER Police investigation of the...

Artist poisons himself accidentally with his own work of art

Bizarre Gillian Genser, a 59-year-old artist, he worked for fifteen years with mussel shells. With the shells made them unique works of art. But...

Antti Tuisku Hundred flash warmed the old viisuhitin hot again – the composer reveals,...

Petri Laaksonen composer of the song by two different singers sing the hits of nearly 30 years.Hundred the flash was one of currently the...

Dutch Eurovision song Contest entry OG3NE honors late mother with kerstnummer: It is never...

Music OG3NE, last year, the Dutch entry for the Eurovision song Contest, has a kerstnummer released in honor of their deceased mother. “Christmas is...

Ica abolishes the engångsprylarna in plastic

Ica+ FÖLJIca cuts engångsprylarna in plastNu phased disposable plastic out from Ica's shelves.LOVELY home away from HOME ' Need to reduce the use of...

So can you become more attractive

The ARTICLE IS OMKärlek+ FÖLJDejting+ FÖLJLÄS OCKSÅ1 november RELATIONERPLUS They are usually in love with the kollegor9 november ÖREBROForskning: Many young people have severe...


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